Sunday, April 28, 2013

Chapter One

     In the daily planet Clark Kent prepares for an interview. A young man named Slade Wilson is commended for his work in the army. Clark Kent who has to ask him a few questions is still absorbed in finding Deathstroke so he cant hurt anyone he cares about."So mister Slade how many years did you serve?""About five to seven."                     
      About  30 minutes  earlier Batman was studying multiple candidates for Deathstroke. Although he had no personal affliction in the matter he was doing a favor for a friend. He had narrowed the search down to  4 candidates Slade Wilson being one of them. Turns out all the facts led to one person, Wilson's agent, who was there at the daily planet sitting in the green room. Batman turned on the Daily Planet's interview and found out that Lois Lane was scheduled for the interview but Wilson's agent asked for Clark personally. Batman raced into his Batmobile and headed for the Daily Planet. He left Robin as the protector of Gotham fully confident in his abilities.                                  
     Halfway there an explosion went off in the bottom floor of the Planet taking out the support. The interview was interrupted and Clark and Wilson disappeared. When batman arrived he applied support cables to let Superman go tend to victims and stop the building from falling. Batman jumped from his Batmobile while in jet mode into the interview floor smashing a window. As he landed a bullet pierced his armor. " Well I guess you can't hit your target every time",said Deathstroke. " I can",said Batman. Then 18 bullets sped towards batman. 6 hit his cape while 10 were dodged completely, and the rest bounced off his body armor. Batman hit the ground. Deathstroke fell into his trap. "Well an easy kill indeed", Deathstroke commented. An angry Batman then jumped up putting a choke hold on Deathstroke. "Where is Slade", screamed Batman. Deathstroke's amazing strength and body size overcame Batman flipping him onto a table of desserts. Before Batman could make a move Deathstroke had two swords to his neck. "Who are you?" asked Deathstroke. Batman replied by placing his heel on Deathstroke's toe. Then he used his other foot to kick Deathstroke's hands relieving him of his chains. A gas pellet was then thrown into the floor letting Batman race out the door to get away from this battle of power.      
     Superman raced into the building, and Batman explained that Wilson's agent was Deathstroke. Then they both went in the room together that Batman and Deathstroke had fought in moments before. Superman heard a supersonic ticking or beeping. He told Batman come on then grabbed him and flew out the window. Superman was then shot in his shield. 8 explosions occurred at the same time through the building. And Superman felt an ache and started to fall to the ground. Batman with his quick thinking shot a grapple into the building beside them that wasn't falling apart, so they swung safely into a window. Then Batman noticed Superman was bleeding.

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